Force of Gravitation Towards Self Esteem Mutilation, Political Travails OF PHILIP SHAIBU ?

From Chris Tony Akhabue 

Understanding the concept of  force of gravitational pull towards self disrepute of the Edo state Deputy Governor, Comrade Philip Shaibu's current   travails requires the understanding of some of our traditional concept such as  "Asua"

"Asua" in Esan   and "Arua" in Benin languages is a cultural concept  of  an evil spirit that follows people about to deliberately  cause them  to consciously or willfully commit punishable offences intended to pull them into disrepute or  self destruction.

Philip Shaibu,  fine gentleman, likeable  and personable individual, has severally been in the news of late due to an unnecessary  self induced Imbroglio he is currently inmeshed in with his boss, Mr Godwin Obaseki, the state governor, from which he is futilely struggling to pristinely extricate himself from.

In the cutthroat world of politics, the desire for power and success often ignites the flame of ambition within politicians.

 While ambition can be a driving force for progress, it can also lead individuals down a path of self-destruction. One such cautionary tale is that of  Edo deputy governor Comrade Philip Shaibu  who is said to be consumed by over ambition, thereby undermining the interest of other people and ethnic groups thereby courting unnecessary trouble for himself and  inflicting incalculable fatal injuries on his political career and in the process unduely raising political tension and friction in the state.

Ambition, when pursued extremely  often results in individuals compromising their values and integrity. Overly ambitious politicians become fixated on achieving their goals at all cost without minding the consequences.

In the case of our deputy governor,  Philip Shaibu, his ill-timed  desperation to become the next governor  of Edo state even though it was not yet his " EMI LOKAN" ( his turn) according to a term made popular by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu during the build up to the presidential election, has created a  seemingly irreconcilable infractions between him and his  Governor, Godwin Obaseki.

The genesis of the needless and unwarranted face-off between the duo is traceable to the unbridled ambition of Philip Shaibu who after benefiting from the zoning arrangements and tasting power as the deputy governor for a two term  making 8 years that would terminate next year but avariciously long to emerge the next governor superfluously by trying to truncate the same rotational symmetry that launched him into state of relevance.

The guilty they say is always afraid. Sensing that his inordinate ambition to  take power through unfair and inequitable means that is antithetical to the existing and established rotational tripod among the three senatorial districts of Edo South, Central and the North, would attract  a  plethora of backlash, he had to rush to seek an injunction at the Federal High Court in Abuja to restrain his imagined impeachment which, according to reliable sources existed speculatively only in his imagination as it has been fully established from reliable sources that there was no plans whatsoever to have him impeached. 

 Could that fatal decision to seek refuge in a Federal High Court against an imaginary impeachment  the handiwork of  " Asua" or "Arua" the imaginary spirit that follows people to cause them to take wrong and fatal decisions so they could fall from grace? I wonder, because if not, why has he again on his own accord gone back to withdraw the suit after the singular action has destroyed his amical with his estwhile robost cozy relationship with his principal?

Of course it is his inalienable rights by the provision of  the constitution to seek any elective positions as some of his close associates and admirers would want to argue. But some observers and political analysts would argue against such self indulgence of a right that seems an afront to the sensibility of other people and other ethnic groups in a multidimensional ethnic setting such as ours.

For instance, Philip Shaibu is well grounded in the politics of Edo state to understand that the political system that brought him to power as the deputy governor of Edo state operates a rotational symmetry. 

The immediate past governor of Edo state in the person of Comrade Adams Oshiomhole now a senator at the Senate, hails from Etsako West local government area of Edo north, the same constituency with Comrade Philip Shaibu.

 Through Adams Oshiomhole, Edo North has done eight years in the saddle of power in the state while his deputy then in the person of Pius Odubu from Edo South did eight straight years as the deputy. That regime began in 2008 and ended in 2016  to pave the way for a governor of Edo South extraction in the person of Mr Godwin Obaseki as the  present governor of the state while Comrade Philip Shaibu being the deputy governor from Etsako West local government area of Edo North, a regime that is expected to come to a terminal end by 2024.

While  ambition can provide that motivational leeway necessary for success, it must be tempered with integrity, humility, and a genuine commitment to the principles of public interest. Those who allow ambition to cloud their judgment, risk irreparable damage to their reputation, relationships, and the prospect of a successful political career. Ultimately, it is crucial to strike a balance between ambition and ethics to avoid the catastrophic consequences of over ambition, a dangerous entanglement for which Shaibu is currently struggling futilely to extricate himself from.

Over ambition has impaired his ability to critically evaluate the reality that Edo state operates an unwritten agreement of a tripod of a rotational understanding.

Lets even assume  based on the rotational symmetry for which Edo has operated since 1999 that again it is the turn of Edo North to produce the next governor of the state, would it still just be  Etsako West local government's  turn again to benefit from such understanding?  What about other Local Government areas such as  Owan West, Owan East, Akoko Edo, Etsako East and Etsako Central which are parts of the Edo North?

Assuming again that is okay, it is granted that Etsako West be allowed maybe by consensus, to produce the next governor of Edo state, would it just still be Comrade Philip Shaibu that should be the anointed one?

Does he feel most  qualified or more knowledgeable in governance maybe, haven worked with Godwin Obaseki for sometimes now.?

 Avarice, over ambition,  conceits, and overly high self esteem that is actually neither here nor there blinds politicians to the importance of relationships and alliances. As they focus solely on their own career advancement to the detriment of others , they tend to overlook the significance of consensus-building and maintaining strong alliances. 

The deputy governor's overzealousness pushed him to disregard the opinions and interests of  others, leading to the current strained relationships that is taking its tolls on governance as Godwin Obaseki who is regarded as " Emanton"( Iron) who has never known to have  lost any of his numerous battles is set for a full show down with Philip Shaibu, his deputy.

In his  all consuming overzealous ambition to unfairly become the next governor, public interest and other considerations that binded and bonded  us together as peaceful people  has been sacrificed at the altar of self conceits to the detriment of all other known  mutually beneficial considerations such as peace, unity  and stability.

Political Leaders from Edo North and Edo Central have condemned the ploy of the deputy governor to become the next governor of Edo state

Reacting to the dramatic overture of  Philip Shaibu to succeed Godwin Obaseki, political leaders from the Edo central senatorial districts in an enlarged meeting vehemently condemned what they described as currying public sympathy in his favour whenever he is embarking on an unholy act. 

In a statement released after a well attended meeting in the Igueben Country home of a former Minister of foreign Affairs , Chief Tom Ikhimi on Monday, 18 September, the leaders described the actions of the Deputy Governor as a ploy to curry public sympathy. 
 Those who attended the meeting include Chief Tom Ikimi, the convener, the Edo state PDP Chairman, Hon. Tony Aziegbemi,  Senator Odion Ugbesia ,Archbishop Anthony Okosun,  Sen. Clifford Ordia, Hon. Joe Edionwele, Hon. Sergius Ogun, Hon. Giwa Agbonmeirele, Hon. Akhere Ugbesia among other leaders from Edo Central Senatorial District.

The leaders noted; "One political strategy the Deputy Governor of Edo State, Comrade Philip Shaibu learnt early , is using the media to play the victim. This is with a view of currying public sympathy in his favour whenever he is embarking on an unholy act. 

"We have followed with keen amusing interest, the drama the Deputy Governor played out today in front of his office. He portrayed himself as a dutiful public servant who was deprived of having access to his office to serve the people he was elected to serve. The DG acted as if he was surprised to find the gates locked when he was actually aware that his office has long been relocated. This was confirmed to him by the State Commissioner of police whom he called on camera much to his embarrassment. 

"Some people have started trying to push out narratives sympathetic to the Deputy Governor concerning the running battles he is having with his boss over his inordinate and unGodly ambition to become the next governor in 2024. This is what he is trying to achieve. Public sympathy that will overshadow his unholy ambition to short change the people of Edo Central Senatorial District. This will not work for him".

While thanking Governor Godwin Obaseki for standing for the truth to ensure the tripod on which Edo State stands is not allowed to tumble, the Edo Central leaders pointed out that, "The people of Edo Central Senatorial District will forever remain grateful to His Excellency, Godwin Obaseki, for standing on the ladder of truth, justice, equality, equity and fairness. We stand behind our amiable Governor in all actions taken to abort and bury the immoral ambition of his Deputy. Posterity will remember him for good.

"We call on all well meaning Edolites who have so far intervened in this unnecessary friction orchestrated by Comrade Philip Shaibu, to prevail on him to drop his quest to alienate Edo Central Senatorial District in the political equation of Edo State, just as they did for him to withdraw his case from the court and encourage him to join his boss to finish well. 

Suddenly, as if  the  veil of deception by forces gravitating him to initiate what he seems unable to accomplish  has  fallen of his eyes and he realizes the futility of his enterprise, he  resorted to begging his boss for forgiveness.

Yes, as human, we all at one point in  time do err one way or another as only God is infallible.

Even those he employed to help him in trying times such as this were not spared by the  spell of forces on duty to cause him trouble.

Recall that few weeks ago when he was to make that public apology and appeal for forgiveness to the governor, the DG called a Press conference. The DG before now has had a robust conviviality and good working relationship with the Press. The Press had been anxious to hear the other side of the story from the Deputy governor. The forces gravitating the entire trouble to escalation prevailed on his Chief Press Secretary , Musa Eboimhia , who before now was unable to justify his appointment at a critical time when his service was needed most, insulted Journalists that came for the briefing by telling them they should leave because they were not invited.

However, in his usual humane approach and considerations which the  governor has displayed towards the deputy governor all along, Mr Godwin Obaseki has accepted the public apology of his deputy.

In a statement issued signed and made available to the Press, the governor stated, "I have noted the public apology made by the Deputy Governor of Edo State, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Comrade Philip Shaibu. This apology followed an aberrant behaviour that contradicts what the people of Edo State stand for.

"To name a few, the Deputy Governor needlessly filed unfounded petitions in the Nigerian courts restraining me, the State House of Assembly and Security agencies from a non-existent impeachment process, followed by repeated breaches of protocol; unwarranted and unprovoked attacks in the media on my person and the State Government. The media frenzy as a result of the above and more, provided an impression of crises that has been precarious and distasteful to Edo people in the State and across the world.

"Although these unwarranted provocations caused me severe personal discomfort, as a person of faith, I am under obligation to accept this apology because as they say, “to err is human, to forgive is divine.”

"In good faith, I trust that the public apology as expressed by the Deputy Governor is genuine and followed by contrite steps to improve his conflict resolution skills. I also enjoin the Deputy Governor to guide his proxies to act in accordance with his piety.

"It is my sincere hope and that of my other colleagues in government and all well-meaning Edo people, that these rhetorics will be put to an end forthwith to enable this administration finish strong and deliver the dividends of democracy to the greatest number of Edo people over this final twelve (12) months", the statement concluded.

Be that as it were presently, the onus is on all  peace loving people of Edo state to prevail on and  appeal to the  deputy governor and every other individual with such insidious motives to allow wisdom, conscience, sense of equity and fair play and all other known commendable virtues capable of engendering peace and unity be their considerations above all other self serving motives so as to strengthen the part of peace which the olive branch of the apology acceptance of the  governor signifies as we all in our collective pursuit of an enduring legacy of Peace and unity in our diversity continue to wax strong in Edo where all tribes or persons are equal before the law.

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